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Incorporating ‘Balance and Harmony’ in every area of our lives is vitally important in our quest for health and happiness. In my practice, my goal is to empower my patients to attain both.

Balancing Our Hormones = Harmony in Our Bodies

balance-harmonyThroughout our lives, both women and men will have hormonal changes that can affect their overall health. For instance, a woman can become what is called ‘Estrogen Dominant’, which means their body is producing too much Estrogen and not enough Progesterone.

This can happen:

  • During Puberty
  • After Childbirth
  • When taking birth control pills
  • During midlife
  • When taking synthetic Estrogen hormones

When a woman is Estrogen Dominant, it can manifest in symptoms such as headaches, fluid retention and difficult, heavy periods. A lack of Progesterone can even trigger hypothyroidism, uterine fibroids and increase the risk of breast cancer.

I recommend that my female patients who are exhibiting these symptoms be tested for hormonal imbalances by using a saliva testing kit from ZRT labs. The reason I recommend this type of testing is because it makes it possible to see how much of each hormone is available for your body to utilize. This gives us a much broader picture of your hormonal fluctuations than a standard blood test would be able to provide.

Balance Your Time = Harmony in Your Life

Even too much of a good thing can be bad-every area of our lives, including our health and our time, need to be in proper proportion.

We are all on a quest to juggle the responsibilities of life…the key to managing it all is balance.

What are the most important things in your life? It can be helpful to think about what really means the most to you-even to write them down. Now ask yourself, ‘Does the way I spend my time reflect what is most important to me in my life, in my heart?’ By prioritizing your life’s passions and making time for what really matters first, you can more easily filter out the meaningless things that steal your precious time.

Remember … let’s BALANCE ourselves the best we can … Mind, Body and Spirit. Enjoy!!

Strength. Tenacity. Confidence. Drive. Initiative. Virility.

Low TThese are words that come to mind when we think of a healthy man. But as men age, they can often find that where they once felt these traits in themselves, those attributes have begun to wane. They aren’t quite themselves anymore and they can’t figure out why.

Many men turn to options, such as Viagra, to decrease symptoms of low-testosterone, only to be challenged with a laundry list of side effects.

What if, instead of temporarily helping a symptom such as: the loss of desire for sex, low energy, lack of drive, less ambition, weight gain, and loss of muscle mass, you could get to the root of the problem and eliminate it completely along with the symptoms that leave you feeling “not-so-manly”. What if, along with an increased sex drive, you could just feel better in every way?

You Could Have:

  • more energy
  • increased cognitive function
  • more drive and initiative
  • better muscle tone and strength
  • less belly fat
  • lowered cholesterol

At my practice in Sugar Land, Texas, my team and I strive to find the root cause of those symptoms and address them from a natural perspective.

Men and Hormonal Decline

So, if a little blue pill isn’t the answer, what is the solution? Often times, it’s simply bringing a man’s hormones into proper balance. And yes, I said hormones. Often times, we associate hormonal issues with women, but men deal with hormonal decline as they age as well. This can have a huge impact on their health and overall sense of well-being.

“Low-T” has become a hot topic in the media recently-but what does “low-T” really mean? As men age, they can often experience a decline in their Testosterone levels, causing an imbalance in their hormones.

So, You Think You Have “Low T”…Now What?

It seems that “low T” treatment centers are popping up in more and more, but when you’re deciding where to receive treatment, it’s important to know how they’re treating the issue. Using natural, bio-identical hormones to increase your testosterone is much more effective, safer and more beneficial than utilizing an artificial, synthetic hormone that can cause negative side effects.

Have questions? Do you think you might have Low T? Or maybe it’s someone you care about? Post your questions below-I love to hear from you!